Sunday, June 05, 2022

Sumo fans, including myself, have been patiently waiting now for almost 12 months for the return of Asanoyama. The former Ozeki (the second highest rank in sumo's top division) fell from grace during the May tournament last year when it came to light that he had violated covid restrictions multiple times. Worse, he had lied and tried to cover it up. When it blew up he was handed a 12 months suspension.

For those wondering, each and every absence from subsequent tournaments means an automatic demotion within the banzuke, the official rankings of sumo wrestlers. Six tournaments later finds the hapless rikishi dropping down to the 4th division in the sumo hierarchy, sandanme. The chart below may be helpful, bearing in mind that the top division is named makuuchi. The way back to the top will take some time.

I know Asanoyama's offences are serious, and he had paid a high price for them, but I wish him well. He is an interesting wrestler and in my opinion, has yokozuna potential. The current troika of ozeki are underperforming and need pressure from below to raise their standard.

Gambatte Asanoyama!

Below - happier days. (courtesy, The Japan Times)

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