Wednesday, January 11, 2023

It seems to me, and charitable organisations also bear this out, that there are more homeless people on the streets than ever. I have never, in recent memory, walked the streets of the CBD in Sydney and not encountered a homeless person, or the bedding and limited possessions of someone who was sleeping rough. That is an unfortunate given these days.

Even though there are hostels and crisis accommodation available, some choose to remain in situ, often for fear of the kinds of people they meet in such places. They say that they are safer on a footpath, in a doorway or under an eave than running the gauntlet of someone with mental illness or substance abuse. I don't know how accurate these statements are and doubtless there is some truth to them, but the cup-bearers I commonly meet do have a look in their eyes.

There is little I can do personally apart from advocate to politicians about the obvious need for safe hostels. I can also drop coins now and then into their various cups, containers, hats and bowls - a kind of tokenism, I know - but offering some practical help. Mobile street charity vans are also a great blessing.

The other day I was looking at a bunch of coins in my wallet and came across an unusual dollar coin. Upon closer inspection I noticed it had a most unusual inscription - 'Donation Dollar  Give to help others'. I wondered who had come up with such a great idea. Did anyone notice? How many had found their way into the hands of the needy?

Of course, it has gone straight into the coin purse that I have set aside for the small donations that I make. Someone will get it, someday soon.

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