Thursday, January 26, 2023

Today is Australia Day. Once upon a time this was not a complicated matter. The vast majority gratefully accepted another public holiday in the summer. When I was a kid, there was very little to-do about it, since there was not a lot of patriotism, or, I should say, it was heavily underplayed. That, I think, is a good thing.

But since the 1980's there has been an awakening of national pride, often propelled by sporting achievements, music (the second wave of pop/rock), now and then by political leaders and most often by a certain comfortableness about being Australian. It rarely if ever tipped over into its evil twin, nationalism.

But things are indeed more complicated today. We have a better realisation that celebrating on a day that once commemorated the arrival of the First Fleet in 1788 is going to hurt indigenous Australians, over and over again. This has nothing to do with what the right calls 'woke', their pejorative term for anything that is wobbly, progressive, new age or self-reflective, but what is right and just.

Where to move it to, though? Now that would be a can of worms in a minefield in a (well, you keep mixing the metaphors for me). But something tells me it has be done. For fairness sake.

Meanwhile, enjoy the day.

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