Friday, March 31, 2023

So far my career as a home recordist for Radio 2RPH has been a mixed bag. As mentioned in an earlier post, I bought a microphone to augment my efforts, an Audio-Technica 2020, which has proved to be excellent. Audacity has likewise been very good for the purposes that I require, which is principally the recording of the voice and the capacity to create and add short music stabs, station promotions and intros and outros. My demands have not been great.

But getting a quiet space, free from background noise, the interruptions of birds, lawnmowers, garden machinery, construction and so forth is far more difficult. I can be lucky, but even then I need to dampen noise with blankets and erect walls of old sleeping bags to stop sound bouncing around. On top of that I have to aim for a near perfect delivery, particularly for these pre-recorded programs in which a far higher bar is set than live-to-air. Given my background in communications you would think that the latter might come easily, but no, it is a challenge. I tend to stumble over words when under pressure.

But I am working on it. Going back to the basics of public speaking helps clarify what has been forgotten and that can only improve the quality over time.

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