Saturday, March 25, 2023

Today being an election day in NSW, I took my first walk for a week and headed up to my local primary school to vote. Masked up and keeping a proper distance, I waded politely through the small army of leaflet-bearers and headed straight for the cake stall.

I guess that I should really have had more serious things on my mind, but in any event I delayed the moment of purchase and, promising the baked goods that I would return anon, entered the hallowed space of the voting centre, the school hall. 

I do realize that every time I turn up to vote in a free and fair election that I am playing a small part in keeping the totalitarians at bay and that this is a thing that should never induce complacency. So vote I did and thereby cocked a snoot at the looming dictators in my midst, where ever they might be. Let them read this and quake!

And then, returning to the key business at hand, I emptied out my coin purse and bought a box of assorted cakes.

Win/win, don't you think?

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