Friday, May 19, 2023

It has been a fabulous start for two returnees to Makuuchi at the Grand Sumo Tourney in Tokyo. Injured champion Terunofuji and former Ozeki Asanoyama are sitting at the top of the tree on 5-0. Terunofuji is back after (hopefully) successful knee surgery and Asanoyama was promoted from Juryo following two years in the wilderness for, ahem, covid infractions. Suddenly the tournament seems far more competitive, exciting even.

On a sadder note I must mention the retirement of former Ozeki, Tochinoshin from Georgia. The popular rikishi had fallen to the second tier (juryo) largely due to repeated injuries which meant he could not fully utilize his power and skill. Like many others before him, his knees could no longer give him the support to push forward or defend.

With five titles and 17 years on the dohyo, he deserves a rest.

Courtesy Kyodonews

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