Monday, January 08, 2024

I don't remember watching an awful lot of TV in the 1980's, possibly because I got a full-time teaching post in 1982, one which meant that many evenings were taken up with marking and preparation. I remember being so tired just from the daytime slog that if I dared to lie down for minute or two after getting home, I would invariably fall asleep and not wake until it was dark. Not a good idea at all!

And so, as a kind of consolation for what I might have missed (which probably wasn't much) I have been trawling through English crime dramas from that period and a little beyond, courtesy of a Britbox subscription. Cue Miss Marple, Morse, Lewis and half a dozen others which, despite their occasionally dated production values, have been most entertaining.

It coincides with the reading I have been doing for Writers from the Vault for 2RPH. If I find a good story on the TV, then I can go hunting for the book. An extract from that volume might find its way into a program and sometimes this is a catalyst for curating other material (on say, a similar theme) for the same program. It doesn't always dove tail but when it does, well, that is most satisfying.

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