Friday, February 02, 2024

I was reading an article the other day by an academic who was discussing the changes between the political Left and Right over the past 40 years. They are stark indeed and make for sober reading. 

While the Right appears to have gone stark-raving mad, the Left has departed its traditional home of economic fairness for something quite different. I can readily identify with government programs that set out to offer better opportunities for the disadvantaged, ways of helping those who fall through the cracks, policies that improve health outcomes, and so forth. Lifting people up and giving them hope is fundamental.

I am interested in climate change and ways it might be managed (since the prevention horse has now bolted), I don't like discrimination against people for any reason and I certainly see consumer capitalism in its current phase as dangerous, but I can't buy into much of the Left's remaining project. Whether intended to be or not, it is needlessly divisive and caught up far too readily into the manufactured narcissism of our time.

By all means, try to level the playing field as much as possible, legislate against discrimination, but keep the focus on that which we have in common. The central thing is our humanity and everything else pales by comparison. That won't please everyone, I know.

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