Wednesday, September 01, 2010

fifth anniversary of blogging

I was remiss in failing to notice a small anniversary of this blog. It's five years ago since I signed up to 'think out aloud'. I have written relatively little in that time - about one entry a week. If this really was a kind of public diary, then there should be an entry a day, at least.

Over that time, some things have changed in my life. I got married, had a baby, spent one last time teaching in Japan, completed a new house, started a diploma in counselling, and buried a few friends and relatives. There has been at least one change of government in Australia(maybe two if the pollies can sort out the current imbroglio) and the weather seems to be getting warmer.

I hope that in five years time I can write about some positive achievements and a better state of matters in the world. There are huge challenges globally and locally and if I can only add a drop of goodness to the human ocean, then I'll be the happier for it.

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