Wednesday, September 01, 2010

towards government?

The formation of a workable minority government may have taken a step further with the Labor Government signing an 'alliance' with the Greens. While this only evens things up at 73-all in the House of Reps. it nevertheless gives a momentum, one way or the other, for matters to move along in the next few days.

It is my view, still, that the rural independents, who come from the conservative fold, will ultimately give their support to an Abbott Government. They have made noises of all stripes over the past two weeks, noises that muddy the waters, somewhat. However, it will be difficult, I think, for these men to support a Government whose policies, in alliance with the Greens, are traditionally the opposite of their constituency.

But then again, we have just had an election campaign and an election outcome that are odd and extraordinary by any measure, so maybe, we will get a Government that breaks the mold.

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