Sunday, August 16, 2015

This month is the 10th anniversary of this blog, Tatami Twist. If I think back to the first few entries and that time a decade ago, it is hard to not to wonder at how life can so change and in such unexpected ways.

Ten years ago Nadia was just falling pregnant with our son Tom, and we were planning our wedding in November. In addition, we were in between teaching years in Japan - we had no idea at the time that the next tour of duty would be our last - so we found ourselves helping to run Yes School from Australia. I was still singing with Crowd Around Choir and my circle of friends was very much local, in the Mid-Mountains.

Jump forward 578 blog entries and there are differences. I am divorced now though dating a lovely Thai woman name Arunee. I am back at my old house, have just finished 4 years of volunteer work with Anglicare. I am a member of a new choir, Moo Choir, and have quite a few new friends from further afield. Tom spends half his time with me and the other half with his mum.

Funnily enough, life is change from the moment we draw our first breath. We seek to paper over the obvious cracks in our seamless narratives if only to protect ourselves from madness.

I would like to keep writing up this blog for another ten years if I can, though for reasons I am not really able to explain.

I suppose we all need to validate our existence in some way.

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