Sunday, November 22, 2015

Over 20 years ago I responded to a bill-post at a public library advertising a singing class. Sing For Joy, as it was called, was run by one Janet Swain, a person I had never met. Nor had I ever done any formal singing work - plenty of voice and drama classes, sure - but nothing devoted solely to the sung word or sound.

The class was small and my guess is that Janet was largely winging the program, but coming as she did from a musical family (an Australian Von Trapp, if you will), that was fine. I remember that we did a lot of body percussion and irregular chanting and scale work and that was also fine, for I was indeed a novice. But truthfully, that series of workshops changed my life in many ways. For a start, I began to take singing more seriously. I have Janet to thank for my initiation into the world of singing in choirs and much else besides.

This afternoon Moo Choir has its final performance for the year - a casual concert at our musical directors house. I can draw a near straight line between those early days with Janet, and my former marriage, my life and work in Japan, choir membership, cafe singing, and the present moment.
Today she is as active as ever and I include a recent photo of her with the Ukeladies. Janet is third from the left.

Thank you again Janet, for making such a difference in my life.

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