Tuesday, September 26, 2017

The posting of my pedometer comparisons in the last post may have spurred a wicked response from the Fates. For the following day, I fell ill and have been so since. Bringing to mind, at its worst, my experience with pneumonia 13 years ago, I have largely been confined to bed with a high fever. Even though the fever has now come down to a more moderate level, my body feels like wrung-out and much-abused sponge. Everything appears other-earthly.

My son Tom flies with his mum to New Zealand today for a two-week holiday. Originally she had planned to go to Japan, then Vietnam, but settled upon the pretty place across the ditch out of convenience, I suspect. I hope that he has a good time there. Travel can have such benefits upon the mind and I hope he comes back safely, of course, but also a little more mature for his experience.

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