Saturday, April 11, 2020

I suppose that by now everyone is getting used to a changed schedule. No more the get-togethers, picnics, parties, outings or lunches in cafes. Less still the hugs, hand-shakes and kisses on the cheek. We now know enough about how a virus infects to create sound public health policy and I suspect, most people are reasonably happy to comply. If the alternative is sickness or death, then compliance is a bit of a no-brainer. Or is it?

Reports from people who were forced into quarantine in nice hotels show that not everyone agrees. A 6-star hotel reported people screaming their lungs out from the utter frustration of being in a luxury hotel room. Others reported that the meals were not up to scratch, with insufficient choices available. I think you can see where I am going with this, so let's drop the judgements for the moment.

If you can't spend a fortnight with yourself in such circumstances then a hard look might be required. Sure boredom is a problem, but what happened to the imagination, the time for refection, for taking stock, for going deep. No such time is better than when everything is thrown upside down. And when you land on a feathered quilt, well, there are few excuses.

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