Sunday, April 05, 2020

When I trundled into the 2RPH studio the week before last, I could not have known it was to be my final show for the meantime. Sure, I understood that I had to run the gauntlet of almost four hours on public transport, then go through some quite bizarre preparation and presentation measures, but I still thought I would be back in a week's time.

As the announcer/producer for The Australian that day, I was required to sit no closer than two metres from my colleague as we prepared the paper for the show. Fair enough I suppose. Then, having cleansed the work spaces to the nth degree and replaced the mike covers, the show was broadcast from two studios. Let me explain.

Ordinarily, the presenter sits on the business side of the studio, the one with all the slides, buttons and monitors. The reader or readers sit opposite, but in the same room. A panel separates the two sides. On this occasion, my reader sat in a different studio, one adjacent. This was to avoid any chance of transmitting the virus. I could see her through a glass window but I could not pass notes or communicate directly, since we go out live to air. It was a challenge.

But I enjoy challenges. Alas, it may be the last for some time. The schedule has changed and only those who can come in on foot or by car may work.

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