Tuesday, March 30, 2021

The simplest outcome is always the easiest to report back on. As a follow up to my previous post, I can announce, belatedly, that Terunofuji was the winner of the spring bashou. Very few people could be unhappy about the result, given the rikishi's amazing return from injury. Terunofunji will become an ozeki for the summer meet and if he is consistent, could be in line for promotion to yokozuna later this year, an honour bestowed on very few.

I watched the sumo highlights daily and got to know more and more about the ringside setup. It's also instructive to look into the audience now and then to catch sight of a kimono or a supporting banner or just people cheering for their favourite. There was one thing I noticed every day. A woman sitting in the second row with a beautifully upright posture. She occupied the same spot on all fifteen days of the tourney. I am sure she won't mind this blurry shot of her, dressed in white, just to rear of the Onosho, the wrestler in black. The other wrestler is Takayasu, the winner of the bout.

I wonder what her story is, prosaic, poetic? If I was a good writer, I might make her into a short story.

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