Tuesday, October 12, 2021

 About 18 months ago I was on a train to the city. Two men in the seat in front me, who seemed oblivious of my presence, were having a merry time looking at photos on their phones. All well and good, you might say. But I became aware that the shots they were viewing seemed a little dodgy - young girls in bikinis with heels, or lingerie. Stuff like that. It wasn't illegal, as far as I knew, but it struck me as odd.

When I got home I googled one of the names of the models I had heard them repeat (I won't be revealing that) and found, after a relatively short time, that there were half a dozen legitimate sites set up for the very purpose of photographing very young models in what I deemed an inappropriate way. It struck me that these might act as some kind of gateway to harder, illegal material, whether intentionally of not.

Being the ghastly do-gooder that I am, I reported a string of sites to the esafety commissioner (in Australia) on the presumption that they had the power to investigate and possibly take action. I checked in from time to time to see whether sites had been taken down and often found myself reporting a bunch of new sites that had popped up.

Today I can happily report that all the sites I reported are down(with the exception of an orphan page or two) and that searches for model names have born no fruit. I may have had nothing to do with it, but I feel a little better for having acted as I did. Let kids be kids. Soon enough they will be adults with all the cares that come with growing up.

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