Sunday, April 03, 2022

 A little over a year ago I bought my Himo C20 ebike. I have written about it a few times since then, in an almost entirely favourable manner. It has re-energised my love of cycling, something which had fallen into relative abeyance since moving to the Blue Mountains. Where I live holds the clue as to why I found getting on a bike more of a chore than a joy. The little boost up hills makes all the difference.

It has also been utterly reliable. The only exception are the disc brakes, which I suspect are of a lesser quality. They have to be adjusted every three months and most recently, needed new brake shoes. I guess that this was one of the trade-offs for keeping the price of the bike in the low to moderate range. I also had a flat rear tyre which a kindly neighbour helped me change.

For those contemplating buying an ebike, I can only offer encouragement. If you live in a less hilly abode than mine, you will zip along with ease. While the energy output is lower than a regular bike, your legs are still moving and some work is being done.

If I was to add one feature to the Himo, it would be suspension struts on the front forks. Bumps are unforgiving and one needs to be alert to leaving the seat at a moments notice!

The birthday boy.

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