Thursday, October 26, 2023

We suppose, I think reasonably, that "way leads on to way", not because any poet or philosopher needs to tell us so, but because life demonstrates that it is so. It certainly seems to be the case, if we accept causation, say, or if we are simply keen observers of how things turn out for different people.

Ways, pathways, roads, tracks are inevitably the result of choices (although not always our own) that often as not take us into places that can be difficult to return from, or which alter things irrevocably. Sure, you can appear to go back and choose a way you should have taken, but something has changed.

If I choose, through poor effort, to do badly in my high school leaving exam I can never come back and replicate the experience exactly. If I repeat the year and do much better, or if I sit the exams years later in another place, something has still changed that cannot be altered. I am not the same person as I was and I am surrounded by different people. The job market or university vacancies and entry scores may be changed too. It is not the same road as before.

It is a subtle thing too, much like the will of God, which believers can sometimes discern  and other times not. Whichever path you tread, I hope it is a blessing.

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