Monday, September 09, 2024

As mentioned before, I have been singing in SATB choirs for three decades now. On the whole, they have been a great blessing for me, offering not only the chance for friendship and mutual endeavour, together with the joy of singing, but also myriad other opportunities. Such as meeting my first wife, going to Japan, spinoff singing projects...I could go on.

These days I am with Moo Choir (we meet at Warrimoo) and it is probably the consistently strongest group of singers I have ever sung with. A good choir relies upon a good director, without which you may be average or less than average. Moo Choir has been graced with several excellent musical directors, passionate people who work hard and have set a standard and pushed us to hit that standard. Thirty average voices can achieve a lot when properly trained and rehearsed.

A few weeks ago we sang at the Winter Magic Festival, a regular gig for all the Mountain's choirs. It is, alas, but a shadow of its former self, but we gave it our best anyway. The closeup shot below features some of the bass and alto section on this occasion, including yours truly. Oh, and the hand of our director, Rowan!

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