Tuesday, September 27, 2022

I was sitting at my computer just now when I heard a strange whooshing sound in the distance. It was not unlike a freight or coal train but somehow different. It grew steadily louder, but this was even more perplexing, for the sound became diffuse, as if it was across a broad front. 

Glancing outside and seeing that there was no rain apparent, I went out on the back porch and listened. From the general front of sound could now be distinguished individual notes, characteristic (I soon realised) of heavy rain approaching. Within a minute it began to hail and all became clear to me.

I don't ever recall hearing the approach of a hail shower in that way before. The distant but closing clatter of ice on tiles and tin was a one-off. Of course, no two events are identical and you have to be present (in every sense) to make the connection.

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