Sunday, October 16, 2022

The music of the 1960's was an unintended though essential soundtrack to the space race between the USA and the former USSR. The kernel of that race can be seen in the launch of Sputnik 1 in 1957 and the first man in space(orbit) in 1961, both Russian achievements. The race heated up when the Americans set their sights on sending a man to the moon, following the Kennedy speech in May 1961. That event, famously completed by Apollo 11, forms the other book end to the decade in 1969.

I am not really a nostalgic person. I find that we tend to filter in those moments that are pleasant and memorable and filter out the opposite, leaving us rather vulnerable to being harsher in our opinions about the now. I understand it though, particularly since boomers can access so much of the past in the present thanks to technology. It is always a temptation to look back with longing and probably not so bad so long as a perspective is kept.

But I digress. I have submitted a prerecorded show application with 2RPH on the theme of 'space'. There is no shortage of material either from magazines to the daily press to specialized internet sites such as NASA to draw upon for a thousand half hour episodes. But leaping ahead as I do to fill in the big picture, I have been pondering over what short music interludes might fill the space between items. Queue the Sixties.

That may account for the middle paragraph, music being one of the most talked about nostalgic elements. Sometimes I forget the steps of the mental flips I take. I will keep you up to speed on the project and should it come to fruition, the times when you can listen in, if you have a mind to.

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