Monday, October 10, 2022

We all have difficult people in our lives, whether they be family, workmates or neighbours. It is easy to fall into an accusative frame of mind when one has been treated badly or unjustly. It is natural, I suppose, to want to lash out - give them a stern telling off - but ultimately such an approach is self-defeating. The difficult person is none the wiser, unlikely to change and you are left stewing in an emotional chaos.

I found a prayer the other day that is made for just such a person - for the two people really - and I reprint it below, which is attributed to St Therese of Lisieux. I find it helps. I understand if you are not at all religious you will find this hard to pray. There are many other affirmation-style ways of doing the same thing that I hope will bring some peace to you.

Dear Heavenly Father

I pray that you show me the way,
for I do not know how to deal
with this difficult person in my life.

I know that you have placed them
here for a reason and I am grateful
for that.

Grant me your Godly Wisdom
so that I may uplift your name!

Give me strength and courage so 
that I can forgive them as
you have forgiven me.

Please guide my thoughts and actions
as I deal with them.


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