Monday, August 07, 2023

 A couple of years ago, Venice banned giant cruise ships from docking inside the city. I had no idea of the problem ( I don't recall any cruise ships in the Grand Canal on visits there) but having seen a few photos, I can only applaud the decision. They are totally out of scale with the architecture and completely inappropriate in any circumstance. Gone are the days of the elegant liner, alas.

This is but one of the many symptoms of the over-tourism which threatens to engulf famous or desirable destinations. Many more people are now well enough off to travel, which is both right and fair, but with it has come a problem of overcrowding that turns a joy or nascent discovery into a series of long queues, over and over again. If you start with an airport wait, you can continue in a seeming endless number of lines - through another queue in customs, then at the Louvre, then at the Eiffel Tower and everything inside and in between. It can't be fun seeing the backs of people's heads most of your trip.

There is a problem though. As a citizen of a Western country, it has been my privilege to be able to travel largely as a result of the affluence of my country. My twin self in a developing had no such opportunity. So I am beholden to say, for all who can travel, please do, it is your right to do so, as it was mine.

But what to do about over-tourism, I have no idea.

(Photo courtesy, Ken Fong)

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