Thursday, August 03, 2023

Putting together an entirely new show for 2RPH has proved to be a far more challenging task than I had thought it would be. I knew it was likely to be hard. Almost all of the other pre-recorded programs are based on readings from existing magazines or news sources - Time Magazine, The Economist, Women's Day, Frankie and so forth, are essentially straight reading tasks. Sure, there is a selection involved, but you could, if you wanted to, turn to the first article, begin reading and just keep going until the allotted time was up.

My new show, Writers from the Vault (a literary hurdy-gurdy), is based upon no just single source, but runs the gamut of the Western literary canon (and beyond!), archived magazines and newspapers and any books I deem relevant. So I choose the whole lot from a vast and seemingly endless trove of information.

Easy, you might say. But it isn't. I am spoilt for choice to such an extent that the curating becomes almost a nightmare. Where to start, where to end, what thematic links, how much prose to poetry and so forth. Just writing about the process is making my head spin.

I think the principle I will follow is this - keep it simple stupid! Some longer readings from fiction, some poems here and there, the odd review and letter, something quirky, a spot of bio. 

As always, only time will tell.

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