Monday, August 19, 2024

a strange flower
for birds and butterflies
the autumn sky

It isn't autumn of course. We are at the very end of winter, though a cold snap or two may come, and both trees and birds are truly confident of its imminent onset. The front window plum has begun to blossom and a plethora of birds of all stripes are piping up, swooping and chasing each other. Now and then their exuberance causes them to fly into a glass pane!

Out local magpies are back (from whence I do not know) and are eyeing us with the kind of familiarity that speaks to a generation or two, or three, having lived here and done all the hard yards.

Matsuo Basho's haiku above is such a gem. Fancy the sky being 'a strange flower' for birds and butterflies! A bit of creative genius from a master of the form.

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