Sunday, August 25, 2024

 Scripture warns us about pride. Traditionally, it is seen as the most deadly or lethal of sins. Proverbs 16:18 says, 'Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.'

There is nothing wrong with healthy pride - being quietly satisfied with the job you are doing, happy at the achievements of your children, having self-respect and balanced self-esteem - you know what I mean. It is its opposite, of the poisonous variety, that so exercised the minds of the church fathers. This includes vanity, conceit and arrogance.

You might say, 'well I am none of those things.' But is far more subtle and insidious than you might think. I take umbrage at a remark I hear on the train. Pride! I know better than that that person. Someone gets a promotion ahead of me. Pride! I am a better candidate than that person. You see some folks acting badly on a reality TV show and laugh smugly. Pride again! I would never act like that. I am a better person. Comparisons of one sort or another invariably have pride at their root.

Thinking about this topic on a walk this morning, I realised that so many of my faults and foibles, things I want to get past or fix up, are tied in with pridefulness at one level or another. It is really a toughie, almost inscribed on the human condition. I need to be on my guard, fully surrendered, prayerful.

But it is hard.

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