Friday, August 30, 2024

I had my second dose of 'photodynamic therapy' yesterday to deal with some minor cancer spots on my head. I hadn't heard of the treatment before a doctor suggested it as an alternative to an excision, so I thought I'd give it a crack.

It's a little fiddly and a tad messy and quite expensive (this being a dermatologist, not a GP). A special cream is applied to the affected areas, the patient (for it was me!) waits for three hours for the substance to do its work, then the area is inundated with the rays from a special lamp. Mild pain in the form of red hot stabbing needles ensues, then the area is bandaged and one is sent on their way.

I am not sure how it will turn out, but it seems better than cutting and stitching, though not entirely as effective. But we will see. I found the doctor, nurses and staff to be very good - kind and reassuring and competent.

And I am confident too that I was not secretly dosed with gamma rays!

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